Uses of Interface

Packages that use ISolver
org.sat4j Contain a command line launcher for the SAT solvers. 
org.sat4j.core Implementation of the data structures available in org.sat4j.specs. 
org.sat4j.minisat Implementation of the MiniSAT specification in Java. 
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.pb Implementations of pseudo boolean contraints. 
org.sat4j.minisat.core Implementation of the MiniSAT solver skeleton. 
org.sat4j.opt Built-in optimization framework. 
org.sat4j.reader Some utility classes to read problems from plain text files. 
org.sat4j.reader.csp Classes needed for CSP to SAT translation. Tools to be used on top of an ISolver. 

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j

Fields in org.sat4j declared as ISolver
protected  ISolver AbstractLauncher.solver

Methods in org.sat4j that return ISolver
protected  ISolver GenericOptLauncher.configureSolver(java.lang.String[] args)
protected  ISolver LanceurPseudo2005.configureSolver(java.lang.String[] args)
protected  ISolver MaxSatLauncher.configureSolver(java.lang.String[] args)
protected  ISolver Lanceur.configureSolver(java.lang.String[] args)
          Configure the solver according to the command line parameters.
protected  ISolver CSPLauncher.configureSolver(java.lang.String[] args)
protected abstract  ISolver AbstractLauncher.configureSolver(java.lang.String[] args)

Methods in org.sat4j with parameters of type ISolver
protected  Reader LanceurPseudo2007.createReader(ISolver solver, java.lang.String problemname)
protected  Reader GenericOptLauncher.createReader(ISolver solver, java.lang.String problemname)
protected  Reader LanceurPseudo2005.createReader(ISolver solver, java.lang.String problemname)
protected  Reader MaxSatLauncher.createReader(ISolver solver, java.lang.String problemname)
protected  Reader Lanceur.createReader(ISolver solver, java.lang.String problemname)
protected  Reader CSPLauncher.createReader(ISolver solver, java.lang.String problemname)
protected abstract  Reader AbstractLauncher.createReader(ISolver solver, java.lang.String problemname)

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.core

Methods in org.sat4j.core that return ISolver
 ISolver ASolverFactory.createSolverByName(java.lang.String solvername)
          create a solver from its String name. the solvername Xxxx must map one of the newXxxx methods.
abstract  ISolver ASolverFactory.defaultSolver()
          To obtain the default solver of the library.
abstract  ISolver ASolverFactory.lightSolver()
          To obtain a solver that is suitable for solving many small instances of SAT problems.

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.minisat

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat that return ISolver
 ISolver SolverFactory.defaultSolver()
 ISolver SolverFactory.lightSolver()
static ISolver SolverFactory.newDefault()
          Default solver of the SolverFactory.
static ISolver SolverFactory.newDimacsOutput()
static ISolver SolverFactory.newLight()
          Small footprint SAT solver.

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.pb

Classes in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.pb that implement ISolver
 class PBSolver<L extends ILits>
 class PBSolverClause
 class PBSolverMerging
 class PBSolverWithImpliedClause

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.minisat.core

Classes in org.sat4j.minisat.core that implement ISolver
 class Solver<L extends ILits>
          The backbone of the library providing the modular implementation of a MiniSAT (Chaff) like solver.

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.opt

Classes in org.sat4j.opt that implement ISolver
 class AbstractSelectorVariablesDecorator
 class MaxSatDecorator
 class MinCostDecorator
          A decorator that computes minimal cost models.
 class MinOneDecorator
          Computes a solution with the smallest number of satisfied literals.
 class PseudoOptDecorator
          A decorator that computes minimal pseudo boolean models.
 class WeightedMaxSatDecorator

Constructors in org.sat4j.opt with parameters of type ISolver
AbstractSelectorVariablesDecorator(ISolver solver)
MaxSatDecorator(ISolver solver)
MinCostDecorator(ISolver solver)
MinOneDecorator(ISolver solver)
PseudoOptDecorator(ISolver solver)
WeightedMaxSatDecorator(ISolver solver)

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.reader

Fields in org.sat4j.reader declared as ISolver
protected  ISolver DimacsReader.solver
protected  ISolver OPBReader2005.solver

Methods in org.sat4j.reader that return ISolver
protected  ISolver DimacsReader.getSolver()

Constructors in org.sat4j.reader with parameters of type ISolver
CardDimacsReader(ISolver solver)
CSPExtSupportReader(ISolver solver)
CSPReader(ISolver solver)
CSPSupportReader(ISolver solver)
DimacsReader(ISolver solver)
DimacsReader(ISolver solver, java.lang.String format)
ExtendedDimacsReader(ISolver solver)
GoodOPBReader(ISolver solver)
InstanceReader(ISolver solver)
LecteurDimacs(ISolver s)
OPBReader2005(ISolver solver)
OPBReader2006(ISolver solver)
OPBReader2007(ISolver solver)
XMLCSPReader(ISolver solver)

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.reader.csp

Methods in org.sat4j.reader.csp with parameters of type ISolver
 void GeneralizedSupportEncoding.onFinish(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void DirectEncoding.onFinish(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void BinarySupportEncoding.onFinish(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void Encoding.onFinish(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void GeneralizedSupportEncoding.onInit(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void DirectEncoding.onInit(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void BinarySupportEncoding.onInit(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void Encoding.onInit(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void GeneralizedSupportEncoding.onNogood(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, java.util.Map<Evaluable,java.lang.Integer> tuple)
 void DirectEncoding.onNogood(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, java.util.Map<Evaluable,java.lang.Integer> tuple)
 void BinarySupportEncoding.onNogood(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, java.util.Map<Evaluable,java.lang.Integer> tuple)
 void Encoding.onNogood(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, java.util.Map<Evaluable,java.lang.Integer> tuple)
 void GeneralizedSupportEncoding.onSupport(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, java.util.Map<Evaluable,java.lang.Integer> tuple)
 void DirectEncoding.onSupport(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, java.util.Map<Evaluable,java.lang.Integer> tuple)
 void BinarySupportEncoding.onSupport(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, java.util.Map<Evaluable,java.lang.Integer> tuple)
 void Encoding.onSupport(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, java.util.Map<Evaluable,java.lang.Integer> tuple)
 void Constant.toClause(ISolver solver)
 void Evaluable.toClause(ISolver solver)
          Translates a variable over a domain into a set a clauses enforcing that exactly one value must be chosen in the domain.
 void Var.toClause(ISolver solver)
 void AllDiff.toClause(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, IVec<Evaluable> vars)
 void Nogoods.toClause(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, IVec<Evaluable> vars)
 void Supports.toClause(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, IVec<Evaluable> vars)
 void Predicate.toClause(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> vscope, IVec<Evaluable> vars)
 void Clausifiable.toClause(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, IVec<Evaluable> vars)

Uses of ISolver in

Classes in that implement ISolver
 class DimacsOutputSolver
          Solver used to display in a writer the CNF instance in Dimacs format.
 class GateTranslator
          Utility class to easily feed a SAT solver using logical gates.
 class Minimal4CardinalityModel
          Computes models with a minimal number (with respect to cardinality) of negative literals.
 class Minimal4InclusionModel
          Computes models with a minimal subset (with respect to set inclusion) of negative literals.
 class ModelIterator
          That class allows to iterate through all the models (implicants) of a formula.
 class SingleSolutionDetector
          This solver decorator allows to detect whether or not the set of constraints available in the solver has only one solution or not.
 class SolutionCounter
          Another solver decorator that counts the number of solutions.
 class SolverDecorator
          The aim of that class is to allow adding dynamic responsabilities to SAT solvers using the Decorator design pattern.

Fields in declared as ISolver
protected  ISolver DimacsArrayReader.solver

Methods in that return ISolver
 ISolver SolverDecorator.decorated()
protected  ISolver DimacsArrayReader.getSolver()

Methods in with parameters of type ISolver
static IVecInt RemiUtils.backbone(ISolver s)
          Compute the set of literals common to all models of the formula.

Constructors in with parameters of type ISolver
DimacsArrayReader(ISolver solver)
ExtendedDimacsArrayReader(ISolver solver)
GateTranslator(ISolver solver)
Minimal4CardinalityModel(ISolver solver)
Minimal4InclusionModel(ISolver solver)
ModelIterator(ISolver solver)
SingleSolutionDetector(ISolver solver)
SolutionCounter(ISolver solver)
SolverDecorator(ISolver solver)

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