Uses of Class

Packages that use TimeoutException
org.sat4j Contains a command line launcher for the SAT solvers. 
org.sat4j.minisat.core Implementation of the MiniSAT solver skeleton. 
org.sat4j.opt Built-in optimization framework. 
org.sat4j.specs Those classes are intented for users dealing with SAT solvers as blackboxes. Tools to be used on top of an ISolver.   

Uses of TimeoutException in org.sat4j

Methods in org.sat4j that throw TimeoutException
protected  void AbstractOptimizationLauncher.solve(IProblem problem)
protected  void AbstractLauncher.solve(IProblem problem)

Uses of TimeoutException in org.sat4j.minisat.core

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.core that throw TimeoutException
 int[] Solver.findModel()
 int[] Solver.findModel(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean Solver.isSatisfiable()
 boolean Solver.isSatisfiable(boolean global)
 boolean Solver.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean Solver.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps, boolean global)

Uses of TimeoutException in org.sat4j.opt

Methods in org.sat4j.opt that throw TimeoutException
 boolean MinOneDecorator.admitABetterSolution()
 boolean AbstractSelectorVariablesDecorator.admitABetterSolution()
 boolean MaxSatDecorator.admitABetterSolution(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean MinOneDecorator.admitABetterSolution(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean AbstractSelectorVariablesDecorator.admitABetterSolution(IVecInt assumps)

Uses of TimeoutException in org.sat4j.specs

Methods in org.sat4j.specs that throw TimeoutException
 boolean IOptimizationProblem.admitABetterSolution()
          Look for a solution of the optimization problem.
 boolean IOptimizationProblem.admitABetterSolution(IVecInt assumps)
          Look for a solution of the optimization problem when some literals are satisfied.
 int[] IProblem.findModel()
          Look for a model satisfying all the clauses available in the problem.
 int[] IProblem.findModel(IVecInt assumps)
          Look for a model satisfying all the clauses available in the problem.
 boolean IProblem.isSatisfiable()
          Check the satisfiability of the set of constraints contained inside the solver.
 boolean IProblem.isSatisfiable(boolean globalTimeout)
          Check the satisfiability of the set of constraints contained inside the solver.
 boolean IProblem.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps)
          Check the satisfiability of the set of constraints contained inside the solver.
 boolean IProblem.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps, boolean globalTimeout)
          Check the satisfiability of the set of constraints contained inside the solver.

Uses of TimeoutException in

Methods in that throw TimeoutException
static IVecInt RemiUtils.backbone(ISolver s)
          Compute the set of literals common to all models of the formula.
 long SolutionCounter.countSolutions()
          Naive approach to count the solutions available in a boolean formula: each time a solution is found, a new clause is added to prevent it to be found again.
 int[] SolverDecorator.findModel()
 int[] DimacsStringSolver.findModel()
 int[] DimacsOutputSolver.findModel()
 int[] SolverDecorator.findModel(IVecInt assumps)
 int[] DimacsStringSolver.findModel(IVecInt assumps)
 int[] DimacsOutputSolver.findModel(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean SingleSolutionDetector.hasASingleSolution()
          Please use that method only after a positive answer from isSatisfiable() (else a runtime exception will be launched).
 boolean SingleSolutionDetector.hasASingleSolution(IVecInt assumptions)
          Please use that method only after a positive answer from isSatisfiable(assumptions) (else a runtime exception will be launched).
 boolean ModelIterator.isSatisfiable()
 boolean OptToSatAdapter.isSatisfiable()
 boolean SolverDecorator.isSatisfiable()
 boolean DimacsStringSolver.isSatisfiable()
 boolean DimacsOutputSolver.isSatisfiable()
 boolean OptToSatAdapter.isSatisfiable(boolean global)
 boolean SolverDecorator.isSatisfiable(boolean global)
 boolean DimacsStringSolver.isSatisfiable(boolean global)
 boolean DimacsOutputSolver.isSatisfiable(boolean global)
 boolean ModelIterator.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean OptToSatAdapter.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean SolverDecorator.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean DimacsStringSolver.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean DimacsOutputSolver.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean OptToSatAdapter.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps, boolean global)
 boolean SolverDecorator.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps, boolean global)
 boolean DimacsStringSolver.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps, boolean global)
 boolean DimacsOutputSolver.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps, boolean global)

Uses of TimeoutException in

Methods in that throw TimeoutException
 java.util.Collection<IConstr> Xplain.explain()
 IVecInt ReplayXplainStrategy.explain(ISolver solver, java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,IConstr> constrs, IVecInt assumps)
 IVecInt QuickXplainStrategy.explain(ISolver solver, java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,IConstr> constrs, IVecInt assumps)
 IVecInt XplainStrategy.explain(ISolver solver, java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,IConstr> constrs, IVecInt assumps)
 int[] Xplain.findModel()
 int[] Xplain.findModel(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean Xplain.isSatisfiable()
 boolean Xplain.isSatisfiable(boolean global)
 boolean Xplain.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps)
 boolean Xplain.isSatisfiable(IVecInt assumps, boolean global)

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