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1   package org.sat4j.csp.xml;
3   import java.util.HashMap;
4   import java.util.Map;
5   import java.util.Vector;
7   import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
8   import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
9   import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
11  class InstanceParser extends DefaultHandler {
13  	/** stacks of elements visited */
14  	private Vector<Element> parents = new Vector<Element>();
16  	/** map which associates tag name to the Element concerns with it */
17  	private Map<String, Element> theElts;
19  	public InstanceParser(ICSPCallback cb) {
20  		theElts = new HashMap<String, Element>();
21  		theElts.put("instance", new Instance(cb, "instance"));
22  		theElts.put("presentation", new Presentation(cb, "presentation"));
23  		theElts.put("domains", new Domains(cb, "domains"));
24  		theElts.put("domain", new Domain(cb, "domain"));
25  		theElts.put("variables", new Variables(cb, "variables"));
26  		theElts.put("variable", new Variable(cb, "variable"));
27  		theElts.put("relations", new Relations(cb, "relations"));
28  		theElts.put("relation", new Relation(cb, "relation"));
29  		theElts.put("predicates", new Predicates(cb, "predicates"));
30  		theElts.put("predicate", new Predicate(cb, "predicate"));
31  		theElts.put("parameters", new Parameters(cb, "parameters", this));
32  		theElts.put("expression", new Expression(cb, "expression"));
33  		theElts.put("functional", new Functional(cb, "functional"));
34  		theElts.put("constraints", new Constraints(cb, "constraints"));
35  		theElts.put("constraint", new Constraint(cb, "constraint"));
36  		theElts.put("list", new ListOfParameters(cb, "list"));
37  		theElts.put("cst", new ConstantParameter(cb, "cst"));
38  	}
40  	/** Receive notification of character data. $ */
41  	public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
42  		parents.lastElement().characters(new String(ch, start, length));
43  	}
45  	/** Receive notification of the end of an element. */
46  	public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) {
47  		Element current = theElts.get(qName);
48  		if (current != null) {
49  			current.endElement();
50  			assert current.tagName().equals(parents.lastElement().tagName());
51  			parents.remove(parents.size() - 1);
52  		} else
53  			throw new CSPFormatException(qName + " : undefined tag");
54  	}
56  	/** Receive notification of the beginning of an element. */
57  	public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName,
58  			Attributes atts) {
59  		Element current = theElts.get(qName);
60  		if (current != null) {
61  			parents.add(current);
62  			current.startElement(atts);
63  		} else
64  			throw new CSPFormatException(qName + " : undefined tag");
65  	}
67  	public Element getParentElement() {
68  		if (parents.size() >= 2)
69  			return parents.get(parents.size() - 2);
70  		else
71  			return null;
72  	}
74  	/**
75  	 * Receive notification of a recoverable error.
76  	 */
77  	public void error(SAXParseException exception) {
78  		System.out.println("error");
79  		System.out.println(exception.getMessage());
80  		System.out.println(exception);
81  		System.out.println("Colonne : " + exception.getColumnNumber()
82  				+ " Ligne : " + exception.getLineNumber());
83  		System.exit(1);
84  	}
86  	/**
87  	 * Receive notification of a non-recoverable error.
88  	 */
89  	public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) {
90  		System.out.println("fatalError");
91  		System.out.println(exception.getMessage());
92  		System.out.println(exception);
93  		System.out.println("Colonne : " + exception.getColumnNumber()
94  				+ " Ligne : " + exception.getLineNumber());
95  		System.exit(1);
96  	}
98  	/**
99  	 * Receive notification of a warning.
100 	 */
101 	public void warning(SAXParseException exception) {
102 		System.out.println("warning");
103 		System.out.println(exception.getMessage());
104 		System.out.println(exception);
105 		System.out.println("Colonne : " + exception.getColumnNumber()
106 				+ " Ligne : " + exception.getLineNumber());
107 	}
109 }