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1   /*******************************************************************************
2    * SAT4J: a SATisfiability library for Java Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Daniel Le Berre
3    *
4    * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
5    * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
6    * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7    *
8    *
9    * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
10   * either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the
11   * "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL are applicable instead
12   * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
13   * under the terms of the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of
14   * this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your decision by deleting
15   * the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions
16   * required by the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
17   * may use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL or the LGPL.
18   * 
19   * Based on the pseudo boolean algorithms described in:
20   * A fast pseudo-Boolean constraint solver Chai, D.; Kuehlmann, A.
21   * Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on
22   * Volume 24, Issue 3, March 2005 Page(s): 305 - 317
23   * 
24   * and 
25   * Heidi E. Dixon, 2004. Automating Pseudo-Boolean Inference within a DPLL 
26   * Framework. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon.
27   *******************************************************************************/
28  package org.sat4j.pb.constraints.pb;
30  import java.math.BigInteger;
32  import org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf.Lits;
33  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.VarActivityListener;
34  import org.sat4j.specs.IVec;
35  import org.sat4j.specs.IVecInt;
37  /**
38   * @author parrain
39   * 
40   */
41  public class MapPb implements IDataStructurePB {
43  	/*
44  	 * During the process of cutting planes, pseudo-boolean constraints are
45  	 * coded with a HashMap <literal, coefficient> and a BigInteger for the
46  	 * degree.
47  	 */
48  	protected InternalMapPBStructure weightedLits;
50  	protected BigInteger degree;
52  	protected int assertiveLiteral = -1;
54  	MapPb(PBConstr cpb) {
55  		weightedLits = new InternalMapPBStructure(cpb);
56  		degree = cpb.getDegree();
57  	}
59  	MapPb(int size) {
60  		weightedLits = new InternalMapPBStructure(size);
61  		degree = BigInteger.ZERO;
62  	}
64  	public boolean isCardinality() {
65  		for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
66  			if (!(weightedLits.getCoef(i).equals(BigInteger.ONE)))
67  				return false;
68  		return true;
69  	}
71  	public boolean isLongSufficient() {
72  		BigInteger som = BigInteger.ZERO;
73  		for (int i = 0; i < size() && som.bitLength() < Long.SIZE; i++) {
74  			assert weightedLits.getCoef(i).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) >= 0;
75  			som = som.add(weightedLits.getCoef(i));
76  		}
77  		return som.bitLength() < Long.SIZE;
78  	}
80  	public int getAssertiveLiteral() {
81  		return assertiveLiteral;
82  	}
84  	public BigInteger saturation() {
85  		assert degree.signum() > 0;
86  		BigInteger minimum = degree;
87  		for (int ind = 0; ind < size(); ind++) {
88  			assert weightedLits.getCoef(ind).signum() > 0;
89  			if (degree.compareTo(weightedLits.getCoef(ind)) < 0)
90  				changeCoef(ind, degree);
91  			assert weightedLits.getCoef(ind).signum() > 0;
92  			minimum = minimum.min(weightedLits.getCoef(ind));
93  		}
94  		// a clause has been learned
95  		if (minimum.equals(degree) && minimum.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) > 0) {
96  			degree = BigInteger.ONE;
97  			for (int ind = 0; ind < size(); ind++)
98  				changeCoef(ind, BigInteger.ONE);
99  		}
101 		return degree;
102 	}
104 	public BigInteger cuttingPlane(PBConstr cpb, BigInteger deg,
105 			BigInteger[] reducedCoefs, VarActivityListener val) {
106 		return cuttingPlane(cpb, deg, reducedCoefs, BigInteger.ONE, val);
107 	}
109 	public BigInteger cuttingPlane(PBConstr cpb, BigInteger degreeCons,
110 			BigInteger[] reducedCoefs, BigInteger coefMult,
111 			VarActivityListener val) {
112 		degree = degree.add(degreeCons);
113 		assert degree.signum() > 0;
115 		if (reducedCoefs == null)
116 			for (int i = 0; i < cpb.size(); i++) {
117 				val.varBumpActivity(cpb.get(i));
118 				cuttingPlaneStep(cpb.get(i), multiplyCoefficient(
119 						cpb.getCoef(i), coefMult));
120 			}
121 		else
122 			for (int i = 0; i < cpb.size(); i++) {
123 				val.varBumpActivity(cpb.get(i));
124 				cuttingPlaneStep(cpb.get(i), multiplyCoefficient(
125 						reducedCoefs[i], coefMult));
126 			}
128 		return degree;
129 	}
131 	public BigInteger cuttingPlane(int[] lits, BigInteger[] reducedCoefs,
132 			BigInteger deg) {
133 		return cuttingPlane(lits, reducedCoefs, deg, BigInteger.ONE);
134 	}
136 	public BigInteger cuttingPlane(int lits[], BigInteger[] reducedCoefs,
137 			BigInteger degreeCons, BigInteger coefMult) {
138 		degree = degree.add(degreeCons);
139 		assert degree.signum() > 0;
141 		for (int i = 0; i < lits.length; i++)
142 			cuttingPlaneStep(lits[i], reducedCoefs[i].multiply(coefMult));
144 		return degree;
145 	}
147 	private void cuttingPlaneStep(final int lit, final BigInteger coef) {
148 		assert coef.signum() >= 0;
149 		int nlit = lit ^ 1;
150 		if (coef.signum() > 0) {
151 			if (weightedLits.containsKey(nlit)) {
152 				assert !weightedLits.containsKey(lit);
153 				assert weightedLits.get(nlit) != null;
154 				if (weightedLits.get(nlit).compareTo(coef) < 0) {
155 					BigInteger tmp = weightedLits.get(nlit);
156 					setCoef(lit, coef.subtract(tmp));
157 					assert weightedLits.get(lit).signum() > 0;
158 					degree = degree.subtract(tmp);
159 					removeCoef(nlit);
160 				} else {
161 					if (weightedLits.get(nlit).equals(coef)) {
162 						degree = degree.subtract(coef);
163 						removeCoef(nlit);
164 					} else {
165 						decreaseCoef(nlit, coef);
166 						assert weightedLits.get(nlit).signum() > 0;
167 						degree = degree.subtract(coef);
168 					}
169 				}
170 			} else {
171 				assert (!weightedLits.containsKey(lit))
172 						|| (weightedLits.get(lit).signum() > 0);
173 				if (weightedLits.containsKey(lit))
174 					increaseCoef(lit, coef);
175 				else
176 					setCoef(lit, coef);
177 				assert weightedLits.get(lit).signum() > 0;
178 			}
179 		}
180 		assert (!weightedLits.containsKey(nlit))
181 				|| (!weightedLits.containsKey(lit));
182 	}
184 	public void buildConstraintFromConflict(IVecInt resLits,
185 			IVec<BigInteger> resCoefs) {
186 		resLits.clear();
187 		resCoefs.clear();
188 		weightedLits.copyCoefs(resCoefs);
189 		weightedLits.copyLits(resLits);
190 	};
192 	public void buildConstraintFromMapPb(int[] resLits, BigInteger[] resCoefs) {
193 		// On recherche tous les litt?raux concern?s
194 		assert resLits.length == resCoefs.length;
195 		assert resLits.length == size();
196 		weightedLits.copyCoefs(resCoefs);
197 		weightedLits.copyLits(resLits);
198 	};
200 	public BigInteger getDegree() {
201 		return degree;
202 	}
204 	public int size() {
205 		return weightedLits.size();
206 	}
208 	/*
209 	 * (non-Javadoc)
210 	 * 
211 	 * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
212 	 */
213 	@Override
214 	public String toString() {
215 		StringBuffer stb = new StringBuffer();
216 		for (int ind = 0; ind < size(); ind++) {
217 			stb.append(weightedLits.getCoef(ind));
218 			stb.append(".");
219 			stb.append(Lits.toString(weightedLits.getLit(ind)));
220 			stb.append(" ");
221 		}
222 		return stb.toString() + " >= " + degree; //$NON-NLS-1$
223 	}
225 	private BigInteger multiplyCoefficient(BigInteger coef, BigInteger mult) {
226 		if (coef.equals(BigInteger.ONE))
227 			return mult;
228 		return coef.multiply(mult);
229 	}
231 	void increaseCoef(int lit, BigInteger incCoef) {
232 		weightedLits.put(lit, weightedLits.get(lit).add(incCoef));
233 	}
235 	void decreaseCoef(int lit, BigInteger decCoef) {
236 		weightedLits.put(lit, weightedLits.get(lit).subtract(decCoef));
237 	}
239 	void setCoef(int lit, BigInteger newValue) {
240 		weightedLits.put(lit, newValue);
241 	}
243 	void changeCoef(int indLit, BigInteger newValue) {
244 		weightedLits.changeCoef(indLit, newValue);
245 	}
247 	void removeCoef(int lit) {
248 		weightedLits.remove(lit);
249 	}
251 }