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1   /*******************************************************************************
2    * SAT4J: a SATisfiability library for Java Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Daniel Le Berre
3    *
4    * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
5    * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
6    * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7    *
8    *
9    * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
10   * either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the
11   * "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL are applicable instead
12   * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
13   * under the terms of the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of
14   * this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your decision by deleting
15   * the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions
16   * required by the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
17   * may use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL or the LGPL.
18   * 
19   * Based on the pseudo boolean algorithms described in:
20   * A fast pseudo-Boolean constraint solver Chai, D.; Kuehlmann, A.
21   * Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on
22   * Volume 24, Issue 3, March 2005 Page(s): 305 - 317
23   * 
24   * and 
25   * Heidi E. Dixon, 2004. Automating Pseudo-Boolean Inference within a DPLL 
26   * Framework. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon.
27   *******************************************************************************/
28  package org.sat4j.pb.constraints.pb;
30  import java.math.BigInteger;
31  import java.util.HashMap;
32  import java.util.Map;
34  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.ILits;
35  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.UnitPropagationListener;
36  import org.sat4j.specs.ContradictionException;
38  /**
39   * Data structure for pseudo-boolean constraint with watched literals.
40   * 
41   * All literals are watched. The sum of the literals satisfied or unvalued is
42   * always memorized, to detect conflict.
43   * 
44   * 
45   */
46  public final class MaxWatchPbLong extends WatchPbLong {
48  	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
50  	/**
51  	 * sum of the coefficients of the literals satisfied or unvalued
52  	 */
53  	private long watchCumul = 0;
55  	private final Map<Integer, Long> litToCoeffs;
57  	/**
58  	 * Builds a PB constraint for a0.x0 + a1.x1 + ... + an.xn >= k
59  	 * 
60  	 * This constructor is called for learnt pseudo boolean constraints.
61  	 * 
62  	 * @param voc
63  	 *            all the possible variables (vocabulary)
64  	 * @param mpb
65  	 *            data structure which contains literals of the constraint,
66  	 *            coefficients (a0, a1, ... an), and the degree of the
67  	 *            constraint (k). The constraint is a "more than" constraint.
68  	 */
69  	private MaxWatchPbLong(ILits voc, IDataStructurePB mpb) {
71  		super(mpb);
72  		this.voc = voc;
74  		activity = 0;
75  		watchCumul = 0;
76  		if (coefs.length > MaxWatchPb.LIMIT_FOR_MAP) {
77  			litToCoeffs = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(coefs.length);
78  			for (int i = 0; i < coefs.length; i++) {
79  				litToCoeffs.put(lits[i], coefs[i]);
80  			}
81  		} else
82  			litToCoeffs = null;
83  	}
85  	/**
86  	 * Builds a PB constraint for a0.x0 + a1.x1 + ... + an.xn >= k
87  	 * 
88  	 * @param voc
89  	 *            all the possible variables (vocabulary)
90  	 * @param lits
91  	 *            literals of the constraint (x0,x1, ... xn)
92  	 * @param coefs
93  	 *            coefficients of the left side of the constraint (a0, a1, ...
94  	 *            an)
95  	 * @param degree
96  	 *            degree of the constraint (k)
97  	 */
98  	private MaxWatchPbLong(ILits voc, int[] lits, BigInteger[] coefs,
99  			BigInteger degree) {
101 		super(lits, coefs, degree);
102 		this.voc = voc;
104 		activity = 0;
105 		watchCumul = 0;
106 		if (coefs.length > MaxWatchPb.LIMIT_FOR_MAP) {
107 			litToCoeffs = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(coefs.length);
108 			for (int i = 0; i < coefs.length; i++) {
109 				litToCoeffs.put(lits[i], this.coefs[i]);
110 			}
111 		} else
112 			litToCoeffs = null;
113 	}
115 	/**
116 	 * All the literals are watched.
117 	 * 
118 	 * @see org.sat4j.pb.constraints.pb.WatchPbLong#computeWatches()
119 	 */
120 	@Override
121 	protected void computeWatches() throws ContradictionException {
122 		assert watchCumul == 0;
123 		for (int i = 0; i < lits.length; i++) {
124 			if (voc.isFalsified(lits[i])) {
125 				if (learnt) {
126 					voc.undos(lits[i] ^ 1).push(this);
127[i] ^ 1, this);
128 				}
129 			} else {
130 				// updating of the initial value for the counter
131[i] ^ 1, this);
132 				watchCumul = watchCumul + coefs[i];
133 			}
134 		}
136 		assert watchCumul >= computeLeftSide();
137 		if (!learnt && watchCumul < degree) {
138 			throw new ContradictionException("non satisfiable constraint");
139 		}
140 	}
142 	/*
143 	 * This method propagates any possible value.
144 	 * 
145 	 * This method is only called in the factory methods.
146 	 * 
147 	 * @see org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.WatchPb#computePropagation()
148 	 */
149 	@Override
150 	protected void computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
151 			throws ContradictionException {
152 		// propagate any possible value
153 		int ind = 0;
154 		while (ind < coefs.length && (watchCumul - coefs[ind]) < degree) {
155 			if (voc.isUnassigned(lits[ind]) && !s.enqueue(lits[ind], this))
156 				// because this happens during the building of a constraint.
157 				throw new ContradictionException("non satisfiable constraint");
158 			ind++;
159 		}
160 		assert watchCumul >= computeLeftSide();
161 	}
163 	/**
164 	 * Propagation of a falsified literal
165 	 * 
166 	 * @param s
167 	 *            the solver
168 	 * @param p
169 	 *            the propagated literal (it must be falsified)
170 	 * @return false iff there is a conflict
171 	 */
172 	@Override
173 	public boolean propagate(UnitPropagationListener s, int p) {
174, this);
176 		assert watchCumul >= computeLeftSide() : "" + watchCumul + "/"
177 				+ computeLeftSide() + ":" + learnt;
179 		// compute the new value for watchCumul
180 		long coefP;
181 		if (litToCoeffs == null) {
182 			// finding the index for p in the array of literals
183 			int indiceP = 0;
184 			while ((lits[indiceP] ^ 1) != p)
185 				indiceP++;
187 			// compute the new value for watchCumul
188 			coefP = coefs[indiceP];
189 		} else {
190 			coefP = litToCoeffs.get(p ^ 1);
191 		}
192 		long newcumul = watchCumul - coefP;
194 		if (newcumul < degree) {
195 			// there is a conflict
196 			assert !isSatisfiable();
197 			return false;
198 		}
200 		// if no conflict, not(p) can be propagated
201 		// allow a later un-assignation
202 		voc.undos(p).push(this);
203 		// really update watchCumul
204 		watchCumul = newcumul;
206 		// propagation
207 		int ind = 0;
208 		// limit is the margin between the sum of the coefficients of the
209 		// satisfied+unassigned literals
210 		// and the degree of the constraint
211 		long limit = watchCumul - degree;
212 		// for each coefficient greater than limit
213 		while (ind < coefs.length && limit < coefs[ind]) {
214 			// its corresponding literal is implied
215 			if (voc.isUnassigned(lits[ind]) && (!s.enqueue(lits[ind], this))) {
216 				// if it is not possible then there is a conflict
217 				assert !isSatisfiable();
218 				return false;
219 			}
220 			ind++;
221 		}
223 		assert learnt || watchCumul >= computeLeftSide();
224 		assert watchCumul >= computeLeftSide();
225 		return true;
226 	}
228 	/**
229 	 * Remove a constraint from the solver
230 	 */
231 	@Override
232 	public void remove(UnitPropagationListener upl) {
233 		for (int i = 0; i < lits.length; i++) {
234 			if (!voc.isFalsified(lits[i])) {
235[i] ^ 1).remove(this);
236 			}
237 			if (voc.isSatisfied(lits[i])) {
238 				// must be on the trail !!!!
239 				upl.unset(lits[i]);
240 			}
241 		}
242 	}
244 	/**
245 	 * this method is called during backtrack
246 	 * 
247 	 * @param p
248 	 *            an unassigned literal
249 	 */
250 	@Override
251 	public void undo(int p) {
252 		long coefP;
253 		if (litToCoeffs == null) {
254 			// finding the index for p in the array of literals
255 			int indiceP = 0;
256 			while ((lits[indiceP] ^ 1) != p)
257 				indiceP++;
259 			// compute the new value for watchCumul
260 			coefP = coefs[indiceP];
261 		} else {
262 			coefP = litToCoeffs.get(p ^ 1);
263 		}
264 		watchCumul = watchCumul + coefP;
265 	}
267 	/**
268 	 * build a pseudo boolean constraint. Coefficients are positive integers
269 	 * less than or equal to the degree (this is called a normalized
270 	 * constraint).
271 	 * 
272 	 * @param s
273 	 *            a unit propagation listener (usually the solver)
274 	 * @param voc
275 	 *            the vocabulary
276 	 * @param lits
277 	 *            the literals of the constraint
278 	 * @param coefs
279 	 *            the coefficients of the constraint
280 	 * @param degree
281 	 *            the degree of the constraint
282 	 * @return a new PB constraint or null if a trivial inconsistency is
283 	 *         detected.
284 	 */
285 	public static MaxWatchPbLong normalizedMaxWatchPbNew(
286 			UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, int[] lits,
287 			BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree)
288 			throws ContradictionException {
289 		// Parameters must not be modified
290 		MaxWatchPbLong outclause = new MaxWatchPbLong(voc, lits, coefs, degree);
292 		if ( <= 0) {
293 			return null;
294 		}
296 		outclause.computeWatches();
298 		outclause.computePropagation(s);
300 		return outclause;
302 	}
304 	/**
305 	 * build a pseudo boolean constraint from a specific data structure. For
306 	 * learnt constraints.
307 	 * 
308 	 * @param s
309 	 *            a unit propagation listener (usually the solver)
310 	 * @param mpb
311 	 *            data structure which contains literals of the constraint,
312 	 *            coefficients (a0, a1, ... an), and the degree of the
313 	 *            constraint (k). The constraint is a "more than" constraint.
314 	 * @return a new PB constraint or null if a trivial inconsistency is
315 	 *         detected.
316 	 */
317 	public static WatchPbLong normalizedWatchPbNew(ILits voc,
318 			IDataStructurePB mpb) {
319 		return new MaxWatchPbLong(voc, mpb);
320 	}
322 }