Uses of Class

Packages that use ContradictionException
org.sat4j Contains a command line launcher for the SAT solvers. 
org.sat4j.csp Classes needed for CSP to SAT translation. 
org.sat4j.csp.constraints Classes needed for CSP to SAT translation. 
org.sat4j.maxsat MAXSAT and Weighted Max SAT framework. 
org.sat4j.maxsat.reader Some utility classes to read problems from plain text files. 
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints Implementations of various constraints for MiniSAT. 
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.card Implementations of cardinality constraints. 
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf Implementations of clausal constraints. 
org.sat4j.minisat.core Implementation of the MiniSAT solver skeleton. 
org.sat4j.opt Built-in optimization framework. 
org.sat4j.pb Implementations of pseudo boolean solvers 
org.sat4j.pb.constraints Implementation of data structures for pseudo boolean constraints. 
org.sat4j.pb.constraints.pb Implementations of pseudo boolean constraints. 
org.sat4j.pb.core Implementations of pseudo boolean solvers 
org.sat4j.pb.reader Readers for opb instances. Implementation of different tools for pseudo boolean solvers 
org.sat4j.reader Some utility classes to read problems from plain text files. 
org.sat4j.sat Implementation of a sat4j Launcher. 
org.sat4j.specs Those classes are intended for users dealing with SAT solvers as black boxes. Tools to be used on top of an ISolver Implementation of different encodings. Implementation of an explanation engine in case of unsatisfiability. 

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j

Methods in org.sat4j that throw ContradictionException
protected  IProblem AbstractLauncher.readProblem(String problemname)
          Reads a problem file from the command line.

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.csp

Methods in org.sat4j.csp that throw ContradictionException
 void Encoding.onFinish(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void Encoding.onNogood(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, Map<Evaluable,Integer> tuple)
 void Encoding.onSupport(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, Map<Evaluable,Integer> tuple)
 void Var.toClause(ISolver solver)
 void Evaluable.toClause(ISolver solver)
          Translates a variable over a domain into a set a clauses enforcing that exactly one value must be chosen in the domain.
 void Constant.toClause(ISolver solver)
 void Predicate.toClause(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> vscope, IVec<Evaluable> vars)
 void Clausifiable.toClause(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, IVec<Evaluable> vars)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.csp.constraints

Methods in org.sat4j.csp.constraints that throw ContradictionException
 void Supports.toClause(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, IVec<Evaluable> vars)
 void Nogoods.toClause(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, IVec<Evaluable> vars)
 void AllDiff.toClause(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, IVec<Evaluable> vars)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.csp.encodings

Methods in org.sat4j.csp.encodings that throw ContradictionException
 void GeneralizedSupportEncoding.onFinish(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void BinarySupportEncoding.onFinish(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope)
 void GeneralizedSupportEncoding.onNogood(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, Map<Evaluable,Integer> tuple)
 void DirectEncoding.onNogood(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, Map<Evaluable,Integer> tuple)
 void BinarySupportEncoding.onNogood(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, Map<Evaluable,Integer> tuple)
 void GeneralizedSupportEncoding.onSupport(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, Map<Evaluable,Integer> tuple)
 void BinarySupportEncoding.onSupport(ISolver solver, IVec<Var> scope, Map<Evaluable,Integer> tuple)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.maxsat

Methods in org.sat4j.maxsat that throw ContradictionException
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addClause(IVecInt literals)
          Add a soft clause to the solver.
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addHardClause(IVecInt literals)
          Add a hard clause in the solver, i.e. a clause that must be satisfied.
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addSoftAtLeast(BigInteger weight, IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Allow adding a new soft cardinality constraint in the solver.
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addSoftAtLeast(int weight, IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Allow adding a new soft cardinality constraint in the solver.
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addSoftAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Allow adding a new soft cardinality constraint in the solver.
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addSoftAtMost(BigInteger weight, IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Allow adding a new soft cardinality constraint in the solver.
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addSoftAtMost(int weight, IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Allow adding a new soft cardinality constraint in the solver.
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addSoftAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Allow adding a new soft cardinality constraint in the solver.
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addSoftClause(BigInteger weight, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addSoftClause(int weight, IVecInt literals)
          Add a soft clause to the solver.
 IConstr WeightedMaxSatDecorator.addSoftClause(IVecInt literals)
          Add a soft clause in the solver, i.e. a clause with a weight of 1.
 void MinCostDecorator.discard()
 void MinCostDecorator.discardCurrentSolution()
 void WeightedMaxSatDecorator.forceObjectiveValueTo(Number forcedValue)
          Force the solver to find a solution with a specific value (nice to find all optimal solutions for instance).
 void MinCostDecorator.forceObjectiveValueTo(Number forcedValue)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.maxsat.reader

Methods in org.sat4j.maxsat.reader that throw ContradictionException
protected  void WDimacsReader.flushConstraint()
protected  boolean WDimacsReader.handleLine()

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints that throw ContradictionException
 Constr MixedDataStructureSingleWL.createCardinalityConstraint(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 Constr MixedDataStructureDanielWL.createCardinalityConstraint(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 Constr MixedDataStructureDanielHT.createCardinalityConstraint(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 Constr CardinalityDataStructureYanMin.createCardinalityConstraint(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 Constr CardinalityDataStructureYanMax.createCardinalityConstraint(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 Constr CardinalityDataStructure.createCardinalityConstraint(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 Constr AbstractDataStructureFactory.createCardinalityConstraint(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 Constr MixedDataStructureSingleWL.createClause(IVecInt literals)
 Constr MixedDataStructureDanielWL.createClause(IVecInt literals)
 Constr MixedDataStructureDanielHT.createClause(IVecInt literals)
 Constr ClausalDataStructureWL.createClause(IVecInt literals)
 Constr CardinalityDataStructureYanMin.createClause(IVecInt literals)
 Constr CardinalityDataStructureYanMax.createClause(IVecInt literals)
 Constr CardinalityDataStructure.createClause(IVecInt literals)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.card

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.card that throw ContradictionException
static Constr AtLeast.atLeastNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, IVecInt ps, int n)
protected  MinWatchCard MinWatchCard.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
static Constr MaxWatchCard.maxWatchCardNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, IVecInt ps, boolean moreThan, int degree)
          Permet la cr?
static Constr MinWatchCard.minWatchCardNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, IVecInt ps, boolean moreThan, int degree)
          Constructs a cardinality constraint with a minimal set of watched literals Permet la cr?
protected static int AtLeast.niceParameters(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, IVecInt ps, int deg)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf that throw ContradictionException
static IVecInt Clauses.sanityCheck(IVecInt ps, ILits voc, UnitPropagationListener s)
          Perform some sanity check before constructing a clause a) if a literal is assigned true, return null (the clause is satisfied) b) if a literal is assigned false, remove it c) if a clause contains a literal and its opposite (tautology) return null d) remove duplicate literals e) if the clause is empty, return null f) if the clause if unit, transmit it to the object responsible for unit propagation

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.minisat.core

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.core that throw ContradictionException
 void Solver.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
 IConstr Solver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Solver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Solver.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Solver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Solver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 Constr DataStructureFactory.createCardinalityConstraint(IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Create a cardinality constraint of the form sum li >= degree.
 Constr DataStructureFactory.createClause(IVecInt literals)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.opt

Methods in org.sat4j.opt that throw ContradictionException
 IConstr MaxSatDecorator.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 void MinOneDecorator.discard()
 void MaxSatDecorator.discard()
 void MinOneDecorator.discardCurrentSolution()
 void MaxSatDecorator.discardCurrentSolution()
 void MinOneDecorator.forceObjectiveValueTo(Number forcedValue)
 void MaxSatDecorator.forceObjectiveValueTo(Number forcedValue)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.pb

Methods in org.sat4j.pb that throw ContradictionException
 IConstr UserFriendlyPBStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr OPBStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr LPStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr UserFriendlyPBStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr PseudoBitsAdderDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr PBSolverDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr OPBStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr LPStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr IPBSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
          Create a pseudo-boolean constraint of the type "at least".
 IConstr UserFriendlyPBStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr PseudoBitsAdderDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr PBSolverDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr OPBStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr LPStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr IPBSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
          Create a pseudo-boolean constraint of the type "at least".
 IConstr UserFriendlyPBStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr OPBStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr LPStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr UserFriendlyPBStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr PseudoBitsAdderDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr PBSolverDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr OPBStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr LPStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr IPBSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
          Create a pseudo boolean constraint of the type "at most".
 IConstr UserFriendlyPBStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr PseudoBitsAdderDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr PBSolverDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr OPBStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr LPStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr IPBSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
          Create a pseudo boolean constraint of the type "at most".
 IConstr UserFriendlyPBStringSolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr OPBStringSolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr LPStringSolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr UserFriendlyPBStringSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
 IConstr PseudoBitsAdderDecorator.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
 IConstr PBSolverDecorator.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
 IConstr OPBStringSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
 IConstr LPStringSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
 IConstr IPBSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
          Create a pseudo-boolean constraint of the type "subset sum".
 IConstr UserFriendlyPBStringSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
 IConstr PseudoBitsAdderDecorator.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
 IConstr PBSolverDecorator.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
 IConstr OPBStringSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
 IConstr LPStringSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
 IConstr IPBSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
          Create a pseudo-boolean constraint of the type "subset sum".
 IConstr UserFriendlyPBStringSolver.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt lits, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger d)
 IConstr PseudoBitsAdderDecorator.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt lits, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger d)
 IConstr PBSolverDecorator.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt lits, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger d)
 IConstr OPBStringSolver.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt lits, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger d)
 IConstr LPStringSolver.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt lits, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger d)
 IConstr IPBSolver.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt lits, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger d)
          Create a Pseudo-Boolean constraint of the type "at least n or at most n of those literals must be satisfied"
 void PseudoOptDecorator.discard()
 void PseudoOptDecorator.discardCurrentSolution()
 void PseudoIteratorDecorator.discardCurrentSolution()
 void PseudoOptDecorator.forceObjectiveValueTo(Number forcedValue)
 void ConstraintRelaxingPseudoOptDecorator.forceObjectiveValueTo(Number forcedValue)
protected  IProblem LanceurPseudo2005.readProblem(String problemname)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.pb.constraints

Methods in org.sat4j.pb.constraints that throw ContradictionException
protected  PBConstr PuebloPBMinDataStructure.constraintFactory(int[] literals, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree)
protected  PBConstr PBMinDataStructure.constraintFactory(int[] literals, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree)
protected  Constr PBMaxDataStructure.constraintFactory(int[] literals, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree)
protected abstract  Constr AbstractPBDataStructureFactory.constraintFactory(int[] literals, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree)
protected  Constr AbstractPBClauseCardConstrDataStructure.constraintFactory(int[] literals, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree)
protected  Constr AbstractPBClauseCardConstrDataStructure.constructCard(IVecInt theLits, int degree)
 Constr MinCardPBConstructor.constructCard(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, IVecInt theLits, int degree)
 Constr MinCardConstructor.constructCard(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, IVecInt theLits, int degree)
 Constr ICardConstructor.constructCard(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, IVecInt theLits, int degree)
 Constr AtLeastCardPBConstructor.constructCard(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, IVecInt theLits, int degree)
 Constr AtLeastCardConstructor.constructCard(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, IVecInt theLits, int degree)
protected  Constr AbstractPBClauseCardConstrDataStructure.constructPB(int[] theLits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree)
 Constr PuebloMinWatchPBConstructor.constructPB(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, int[] theLits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
 Constr MinWatchPBConstructor.constructPB(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, int[] theLits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
 Constr MinLongWatchPBCPConstructor.constructPB(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, int[] theLits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
 Constr MinLongWatchPBConstructor.constructPB(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, int[] theLits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
 Constr MaxWatchPBConstructor.constructPB(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, int[] theLits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
 Constr MaxLongWatchPBCPConstructor.constructPB(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, int[] theLits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
 Constr MaxLongWatchPBConstructor.constructPB(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, int[] theLits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
 Constr IPBConstructor.constructPB(UnitPropagationListener solver, ILits voc, int[] theLits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
 Constr AbstractPBDataStructureFactory.createAtLeastPBConstraint(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coefs, BigInteger degree)
 Constr AbstractPBDataStructureFactory.createAtMostPBConstraint(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coefs, BigInteger degree)
 Constr AbstractPBDataStructureFactory.createCardinalityConstraint(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 Constr PuebloPBMinClauseCardConstrDataStructure.createClause(IVecInt literals)
 Constr AbstractPBDataStructureFactory.createClause(IVecInt literals)
 Constr AbstractPBClauseCardConstrDataStructure.createClause(IVecInt literals)
 Constr AbstractPBDataStructureFactory.createPseudoBooleanConstraint(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coefs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger degree)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.pb.constraints.pb

Methods in org.sat4j.pb.constraints.pb that throw ContradictionException
static PBConstr AtLeastPB.atLeastNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, IVecInt ps, int n)
protected abstract  void WatchPbLongCP.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
protected abstract  void WatchPbLong.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
protected abstract  void WatchPb.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
protected  void MinWatchPbLongLimit.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
protected  void MinWatchPbLongCP.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
protected  void MinWatchPbLong.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
protected  void MinWatchPb.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
protected  void MaxWatchPbLongCP.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
protected  void MaxWatchPbLong.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
protected  void MaxWatchPb.computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
protected abstract  void WatchPbLongCP.computeWatches()
protected abstract  void WatchPbLong.computeWatches()
protected abstract  void WatchPb.computeWatches()
protected  void MinWatchPbLongLimit.computeWatches()
protected  void MinWatchPbLongCP.computeWatches()
protected  void MinWatchPbLong.computeWatches()
protected  void MinWatchPb.computeWatches()
protected  void MaxWatchPbLongCP.computeWatches()
          All the literals are watched.
protected  void MaxWatchPbLong.computeWatches()
          All the literals are watched.
protected  void MaxWatchPb.computeWatches()
          All the literals are watched.
static PBConstr MinWatchCardPB.minWatchCardPBNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, IVecInt ps, boolean moreThan, int degree)
          Permet la cr?
static IDataStructurePB Pseudos.niceParameters(IVecInt ps, IVec<BigInteger> bigCoefs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger bigDeg, ILits voc)
static BigInteger Pseudos.niceParametersForCompetition(int[] ps, BigInteger[] bigCoefs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger bigDeg)
static MaxWatchPbLongCP MaxWatchPbLongCP.normalizedMaxWatchPbNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, int[] lits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
          build a pseudo boolean constraint.
static MaxWatchPbLong MaxWatchPbLong.normalizedMaxWatchPbNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, int[] lits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
          build a pseudo boolean constraint.
static MaxWatchPb MaxWatchPb.normalizedMaxWatchPbNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, int[] lits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
          build a pseudo boolean constraint.
static PBConstr MinWatchCardPB.normalizedMinWatchCardPBNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, IVecInt ps, int degree)
          Permet la cr?
static PuebloMinWatchPb PuebloMinWatchPb.normalizedMinWatchPbNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, int[] lits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree)
static MinWatchPbLongLimit MinWatchPbLongLimit.normalizedMinWatchPbNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, int[] lits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
          build a pseudo boolean constraint.
static MinWatchPbLongCP MinWatchPbLongCP.normalizedMinWatchPbNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, int[] lits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
          build a pseudo boolean constraint.
static MinWatchPbLong MinWatchPbLong.normalizedMinWatchPbNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, int[] lits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
          build a pseudo boolean constraint.
static MinWatchPb MinWatchPb.normalizedMinWatchPbNew(UnitPropagationListener s, ILits voc, int[] lits, BigInteger[] coefs, BigInteger degree, BigInteger sumCoefs)
          build a pseudo boolean constraint.

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.pb.core

Methods in org.sat4j.pb.core that throw ContradictionException
 IConstr PBSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr PBSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr PBSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr PBSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr PBSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
 IConstr PBSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
 IConstr PBSolverWithImpliedClause.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr PBSolver.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger degree)
 Constr PBDataStructureFactory.createAtLeastPBConstraint(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coefs, BigInteger degree)
 Constr PBDataStructureFactory.createAtMostPBConstraint(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coefs, BigInteger degree)
 Constr PBDataStructureFactory.createPseudoBooleanConstraint(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coefs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger degree)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.pb.reader

Methods in org.sat4j.pb.reader that throw ContradictionException
protected  void OPBReader2010.endConstraint()
protected  void OPBReader2005.endConstraint()
 void OPBReader2005.parse()
          parses the file and uses the callbacks to send to send the data back to the program
 IProblem OPBReader2005.parseInstance(InputStream in)
 IProblem OPBReader2010.parseInstance(Reader input)
 IProblem OPBReader2005.parseInstance(Reader input)
 IProblem PBInstanceReader.parseInstance(String filename)
protected  void OPBReader2005.readConstraint()
          read a constraint calls beginConstraint, constraintTerm and endConstraint

Uses of ContradictionException in

Methods in that throw ContradictionException
 IConstr XplainPB.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr XplainPB.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr ManyCorePB.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr LexicoDecoratorPB.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr ClausalConstraintsDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr XplainPB.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr ManyCorePB.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr LexicoDecoratorPB.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr ClausalConstraintsDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr XplainPB.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr XplainPB.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr ManyCorePB.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr LexicoDecoratorPB.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr ClausalConstraintsDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger degree)
 IConstr XplainPB.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr ManyCorePB.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr LexicoDecoratorPB.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr ClausalConstraintsDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int degree)
 IConstr XplainPB.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr XplainPB.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
 IConstr ManyCorePB.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
 IConstr LexicoDecoratorPB.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
 IConstr ClausalConstraintsDecorator.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, BigInteger weight)
 IConstr XplainPB.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
 IConstr ManyCorePB.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
 IConstr LexicoDecoratorPB.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
 IConstr ClausalConstraintsDecorator.addExactly(IVecInt literals, IVecInt coeffs, int weight)
 IConstr XplainPB.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt lits, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger d)
 IConstr ManyCorePB.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt lits, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger d)
 IConstr LexicoDecoratorPB.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt lits, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger d)
 IConstr ClausalConstraintsDecorator.addPseudoBoolean(IVecInt lits, IVec<BigInteger> coeffs, boolean moreThan, BigInteger d)
 void DependencyHelper.and(C name, T thing, T... otherThings)
          Create a constraint of the form thing <=> (thing1 and thing 2 ... and thingn)
 ImplicationAnd<T,C> ImplicationAnd.and(T thing)
          Add a new positive literal to the conjunction of literals.
 ImplicationAnd<T,C> ImplicationAnd.andNot(T thing)
          Add a new negative literal to the conjunction of literals.
 void DependencyHelper.atLeast(C name, BigInteger degree, WeightedObject<T>... wobj)
          Create a PB constraint of the form w1.l1 + w2.l2 + ... wn.ln >= degree where wi are position integers and li are domain objects.
 void DependencyHelper.atLeast(C name, int i, T... things)
          Create a constraint stating that at most i domain object should be set to true.
 void DependencyHelper.atMost(C name, BigInteger degree, WeightedObject<T>... wobj)
          Create a PB constraint of the form w1.l1 + w2.l2 + ... wn.ln <= degree where wi are position integers and li are domain objects.
 void DependencyHelper.atMost(C name, int i, T... things)
          Create a constraint stating that at most i domain object should be set to true.
 void DependencyHelper.atMost(C name, int degree, WeightedObject<T>... wobj)
 ImplicationNamer<T,C> DependencyHelper.atMost(int i, T... things)
          Create a constraint stating that at most i domain object should be set to true.
 void DependencyHelper.clause(C name, T... things)
          Create a clause (thing1 or thing 2 ... or thingn)
 void DependencyHelper.discard(IVec<T> things)
protected  IConstr LexicoDecoratorPB.discardSolutionsForOptimizing()
 void DependencyHelper.discardSolutionsWithObjectiveValueGreaterThan(long value)
protected  void LexicoDecoratorPB.fixCriterionValue()
 void DependencyHelper.halfOr(C name, T thing, T... otherThings)
          Create a constraint of the form thing <= (thing1 or thing 2 ... or thingn)
 void DependencyHelper.iff(C name, T thing, T... otherThings)
          Create a constraint using equivalency chains thing <=> (thing1 <=> thing2 <=> ... <=> thingn)
 void DependencyHelper.ifThenElse(C name, T thing, T conditionThing, T thenThing, T elseThing)
          Create a constraint of the form thing <=> (if conditionThing then thenThing else elseThing)
 ImplicationNamer<T,C> ImplicationRHS.implies(T... things)
          Build an implication with a disjunction of literals in the RHS.
 ImplicationNamer<T,C> DisjunctionRHS.implies(T... things)
 ImplicationAnd<T,C> ImplicationRHS.implies(T thing)
          Build an implication with a conjunction of literals in the RHS.
 ImplicationAnd<T,C> ImplicationRHS.impliesNot(T thing)
          Build an implication with a conjunction of literals in the RHS.
 void DependencyHelper.or(C name, T thing, T... otherThings)
          Create a constraint of the form thing <=> (thing1 or thing 2 ... or thingn)
 void DependencyHelper.setFalse(T thing, C name)
          Add a constraint to set the value of a domain object to false.
 void DependencyHelper.setTrue(T thing, C name)
          Add a constraint to set the value of a domain object to true.

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.reader

Methods in org.sat4j.reader that throw ContradictionException
protected  void GroupedCNFReader.flushConstraint()
protected  void DimacsReader.flushConstraint()
protected  boolean GroupedCNFReader.handleLine()
protected  boolean DimacsReader.handleLine()
 IProblem XMLCSPReader.parseInstance(InputStream in)
 IProblem CSPReader.parseInstance(InputStream in)
abstract  IProblem Reader.parseInstance(InputStream in)
          Read a file from a stream.
 IProblem LecteurDimacs.parseInstance(InputStream input)
 IProblem InstanceReader.parseInstance(InputStream in)
 IProblem DimacsReader.parseInstance(InputStream in)
 IProblem AIGReader.parseInstance(InputStream in)
 IProblem AAGReader.parseInstance(InputStream in)
 IProblem XMLCSPReader.parseInstance(Reader in)
 IProblem CSPReader.parseInstance(Reader in)
 IProblem CSPInstanceReader.parseInstance(Reader in)
 IProblem Reader.parseInstance(Reader in)
 IProblem XMLCSPReader.parseInstance(String filename)
 IProblem CSPInstanceReader.parseInstance(String filename)
 IProblem Reader.parseInstance(String filename)
          This is the usual method to feed a solver with a benchmark.
 IProblem InstanceReader.parseInstance(String filename)
protected  void DimacsReader.readConstrs()

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.sat

Methods in org.sat4j.sat that throw ContradictionException
protected  IProblem Lanceur.readProblem(String problemname)

Uses of ContradictionException in org.sat4j.specs

Methods in org.sat4j.specs that throw ContradictionException
 void ISolver.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
          Create clauses from a set of set of literals.
 IConstr ISolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Create a cardinality constraint of the type "at least n of those literals must be satisfied"
 IConstr ISolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Create a cardinality constraint of the type "at most n of those literals must be satisfied"
 IConstr ISolver.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
          Add a clause in order to prevent an assignment to occur.
 IConstr ISolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
          Create a clause from a set of literals The literals are represented by non null integers such that opposite literals a represented by opposite values.
 IConstr ISolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
          Create a cardinality constraint of the type "exactly n of those literals must be satisfied".
 void IOptimizationProblem.discard()
 void IOptimizationProblem.discardCurrentSolution()
          Discard the current solution in the optimization problem.
 void IOptimizationProblem.forceObjectiveValueTo(Number forcedValue)
          Force the value of the objective function.

Uses of ContradictionException in

Methods in that throw ContradictionException
 void SolverDecorator.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
 void ManyCore.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
 void AbstractOutputSolver.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
 IConstr SolverDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr ManyCore.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr DimacsStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr DimacsOutputSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr ClausalCardinalitiesDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr SolverDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr ManyCore.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr DimacsStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr DimacsOutputSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr ClausalCardinalitiesDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr SolverDecorator.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr ManyCore.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr AbstractOutputSolver.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr SolverDecorator.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr ManyCore.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr DimacsStringSolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr DimacsOutputSolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr SolverDecorator.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr ManyCore.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr DimacsStringSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr DimacsOutputSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr ClausalCardinalitiesDecorator.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int k)
 void GateTranslator.additionalFullAdderConstraints(int xcarry, int xsum, int a, int b, int c)
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.and(int y, int x1, int x2)
          Translate y <=> x1 /\ x2
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.and(int y, IVecInt literals)
          Translate y <=> x1 /\ x2 /\ ... /\ xn into clauses.
 void LexicoDecorator.discard()
 void LexicoDecorator.discardCurrentSolution()
protected  IConstr LexicoDecorator.discardSolutionsForOptimizing()
protected  void LexicoDecorator.fixCriterionValue()
 void LexicoDecorator.forceObjectiveValueTo(Number forcedValue)
 void GateTranslator.fullAdderCarry(int x, int a, int b, int c)
 void GateTranslator.fullAdderSum(int x, int a, int b, int c)
 IConstr GateTranslator.gateFalse(int y)
          translate y <=> FALSE into a clause.
 IConstr GateTranslator.gateTrue(int y)
          translate y <=> TRUE into a clause.
 void GateTranslator.halfAdderCarry(int x, int a, int b)
 void GateTranslator.halfAdderSum(int x, int a, int b)
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.halfOr(int y, IVecInt literals)
          translate y <= x1 \/ x2 \/ ... \/ xn into clauses.
protected  boolean ExtendedDimacsArrayReader.handleConstr(int gateType, int output, int[] inputs)
          Handles a single constraint (constraint == Extended Dimacs circuit gate).
protected  boolean DimacsArrayReader.handleConstr(int gateType, int output, int[] inputs)
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.iff(int y, IVecInt literals)
          translate y <=> (x1 <=> x2 <=> ... <=> xn) into clauses.
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.ite(int y, int x1, int x2, int x3)
          translate y <=> if x1 then x2 else x3 into clauses.
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.not(int y, int x)
          Translate y <=> not x into clauses.
 void GateTranslator.optimisationFunction(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coefs, IVecInt result)
          Translate an optimization function into constraints and provides the binary literals in results.
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.or(int y, IVecInt literals)
          translate y <=> x1 \/ x2 \/ ... \/ xn into clauses.
 ISolver DimacsArrayReader.parseInstance(int[] gateType, int[] outputs, int[][] inputs, int maxVar)
 void GateTranslator.xor(int x, int a, int b)
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.xor(int y, IVecInt literals)
          translate y <=> x1 xor x2 xor ... xor xn into clauses.

Uses of ContradictionException in

Methods in that throw ContradictionException
 IConstr Product.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Policy.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Commander.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Binomial.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binary.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtLeastOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Binomial.addAtLeastOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Sequential.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
          This encoding adds (n-1)*k variables (n is the number of variables in the at most constraint and k is the degree of the constraint) and 2nk+n-3k-1 clauses.
 IConstr Product.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Policy.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Commander.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binomial.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binary.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Product.addAtMostNonOpt(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Product.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Ladder.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Commander.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
          In this encoding, variables are partitioned in groups.
 IConstr Binomial.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Binary.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
          p being the smaller integer greater than log_2(n), this encoding adds p variables and n*p clauses.
 IConstr Product.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Policy.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Commander.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binomial.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binary.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Product.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Ladder.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Commander.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Binomial.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Binary.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)

Uses of ContradictionException in

Methods in that throw ContradictionException
 IConstr Xplain.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr HighLevelXplain.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Xplain.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr HighLevelXplain.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Xplain.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr HighLevelXplain.addClause(IVecInt literals, int desc)
 IConstr Xplain.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)

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